There are 3 keystones that allow users to effectively configure a web browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to accept connections through rotating and backconnect proxies:

1) Properly configure a proxy switching browser add-on. In order to connect to websites using your proxy or list of proxies, you must import them using the proper browser add-ons. It’s best practice to test and find one proxy switcher you like the most.

2) Reduce the load time and request size of websites as much as possible. Value your time and keep the total time it takes for the page you’re requesting to load to a minimum. For advanced tasks such as automation, it’s especially important to reduce load times.

3) Increase anonymity and vary your browser’s footprint as much as possible. Websites may flag you as spam after you repeatedly visit them without the proper browser add-ons.

Properly configure a proxy switching browser add-on

FoxyProxy Standard Chrome
FoxyProxy Standard for Firefox

Proxy SwitchyOmega for Chrome
Proxy SwitchyOmega for Firefox

Proxy SwitchySharp for Chrome
Best Proxy Switcher for Firefox (Proxy SwitchySharp equivalent for Firefox)


Reduce the load time and request size of websites

Disconnect for Chrome
Disconnect for Firefox

Adguard Adblocker for Chrome
Adguard Adblocker for Firefox

Quick Javascript Switcher for Chrome
JavaScript Switcher for Firefox (Quick Javascript Switcher equivalent for Firefox)


Increase anonymity as much as possible

Canvas Defender for Chrome
Canvas Defender for Firefox

User Agent Switcher for Chrome
User Agent Switcher for Firefox

Random User-Agent for Chrome
Chameleon for Firefox (Random User-Agent equivalent for Firefox)

WebRTC Control for Chrome
WebRTC Control for Firefox

9247   kenny    Featured Guides, Technical Support  
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